Agata WOLANIN, Ph.D.

Research assistant
Department of English Language Education
room: 313
ORCID: 0000-0002-8513-2154
- Assistant Professor
Positions held in the Institute and the University:
- Council of the English Studies Institute, member,
- XP System in the English Studies Institute, coordinator,
- Practical English Course (year III), coordinator,
- Teaching Practice, tutor.
- 2019; Ph.D. in Linguistics;
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków;
Thesis: “The dynamism of critical cultural awareness: An empirical project based on reflective tasks and English philology students’ journals”;
Supervisor: dr hab. Maria Jodłowiec;
Reviewer: dr hab. Grażyna Zarzycka, prof. UŁ, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Łyda (UŚ).
- 2015; M.A. in English;
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków;
Thesis: “Raising critical cultural awareness: A case study of English teachers’ beliefs and practices in the Polish educational context”;
Supervisor: dr Ewa Bandura
Main field of research:
- Linguistics
- Department of English Language Education
Research Interests:
- Intercultural education,
- Critical cultural awareness,
- Education for citizenship,
- Critical Pedagogy.
- Practical English V & VI (Integrated Skills 1),
- M.A. seminar,
- Second Language Acquisition Theories,
- Intercultural communication.
Membership in Academic Societies:
- International Association for Intercultural Education (od 2018)
- Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne (od 2023)
Main Publications:
- Wolanin, A. 2022. The complexity of critical cultural awareness in L2 education: from theory to practice. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP.
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J., Król-Gierat W., Nosidlak K., Wolanin A. 2024. Na wspólnej drodze. Nauczyciele języka angielskiego o pracy z uczniami z doświadczeniem migracji. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP.
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J., Wolanin A., Król-Gierat W., Nosidlak K. 2023. Bridging the ‘dual lives’: school socialization of young bi/multilinguals in the eyes of EFL teachers, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2114788
- Wolanin, A. 2021. The evolution of L2 education and research: An overview of paradigm shifts in applied linguistics, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, 16, 211-223.
- Wolanin, A. 2021. Za którymi górami, za czyimi lasami…? Rozbudzanie wrażliwości kulturowej dzieci za pomocą historyjek anglojęzycznych. In: Rokita-Jaśkow J., Nosidlak K. (eds.). Nauczanie języków obcych dzieci. Globalne wyzwania, lokalne rozwiązania, pp. 121-135. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego.
- Wolanin, A. 2021. “Picture this!” – the educational value of illustrations in the process of teaching L2 to young learners. In: Rokita-Jaśkow J., Wolanin A. (eds.). Facing diversity in child foreign language education, 201-213. Springer.
- Cierpisz, A. 2019. Dismantling intercultural competence – a proposal for interpreting the concept of critical cultural awareness in an L2 teaching context, Neofilolog, 52(2), 227-243.