The First Autumn Edition of Career Days 2024 titled “Career? U KEN do it”!

On November 19, 2024, at 2:00 PM, IFA students participated in a workshop organized by the UKEN Career Office and the Małopolski Montessori Center as part of the first autumn edition of Career Days 2024, titled “Career? U KEN do it”!
Workshop agenda:
- Passion vs. Motivation = No Grey Area
- Behind the Scenes of a Modern School
- Q&A Session
- Simon Messing, Director/English Teacher/Co-founder
- Agnieszka Sarga-Fula, Administrative Director/Co-founder at Wieliczka Montessori School
About Małopolski Montessori Center:
The Małopolski Montessori Center is the managing body overseeing the Wieliczka Montessori School, a bilingual primary school.
“We are creating a school because we believe that changing the world begins in the heart of a child. We aim to provide children with a space to grow in an environment full of respect, joy, and genuine relationships. In our work, we draw on the discoveries of Maria Montessori as well as modern science. Our team is driven by passion, and we would like to share this with you.”