dr hab. prof. UKEN Joanna ROKITA-JAŚKOW

Associate Professor Head of Department
Chair, Department of English Language Education Deputy Head, Discipline Board: Linguistics
room: 3
ORCID: 0000-0002-6272-9548
- Associate Professor, University of the National Education Commission
Positions held in the Institute and the University:
- Chair of the Faculty of Linguistics
- Head of the ELT section
- 2014; D.Litt. (Ling.);
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie;
Thesis: “Foreign language learning at pre-primary level: parental aspirations and educational practice”;
Reviewer: Prof. dr hab. Janusz Arabski, Prof.dr hab. Hanna Komorowska, Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Mańczak-Wohlfeld, Prof. dr hab. Maria Wysocka.
- 2005; Ph.D. (Ling);
Akademia Pedagogiczna w Krakowie;
Thesis: “Lexical development in early L2 acquisition”;
Supervisor: Prof. dr hab. Anna Niżegorodcew;
Recenzent: Prof. dr hab. Ida Kurcz, Prof. dr hab. Hanna Komorowska.
- 1997; M.A. (Eng.);
Uniwersytet Jagielloński;
Thesis: “Project work in EFL classes”;
Supervisor: dr Maryla Korosadowicz
Main field of research:
- Child Foreign Language Acquisition,
- Bi- multi-lingualism,
- Language and education policy, / Kształcenie i rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli.
- Department of English Language Education
Research Interests:
- Child Foreign Language Acquisition,
- Bi- multilingualism,
- Language and education policy,
- Language teacher education and development.
- TEFL methodology,
- Psycholinguistics,
- SLA theories,
- Assessment,
- Multilingualism and multiculturalism,
- MA seminar.
- 2021 – 2024 Participation in the project Get Ready for School, financed by Erasmus + (2021 -1-DE02-KA220-ADU—0000-29642) https://eduskills.plus/grfs
- 2021-2023 Participation in the international project “Design of a teaching profile for Early Childhood Education from a multilingual approach: learning foreign and additional languages in early years” (LEyLA project) finance by the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Innovation and National Grant Agency (Ref. PID2021-123055NB-I00) https://proyectoleyla.eu/investigadores-internacionales
- 2011 – 2014 PI of the project An early start in a foreign language: expression of parental educational aspirations or realization of the policy of plurilingualism?, financed by National Science Centre (UMO-2011/01/D/HS2/04115)
Membership in Academic Societies:
- Polish Neophilological Association,
- International Association of Multilingualism (IAM),
- Polish Society of Applied Linguistics,
- AILA-REN Network Research into Early Language Learning,
- Early Language Learning Research Association (ELLRA) – vice-chair,
- Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne – Board Member,
- Early Language Learning and Multilingual Education network (ELLMENET).
Selected visiting lectures:
- 2024 Invited lecture: Didactic challenges of teaching multilingual learners in EFL classes: the case of Poland. University of Cyprus;
- 2024 Keynote “Education in multicultural environment: challenges and opportunities” w trakcie konferencji międzynarodowej, pt. Empowering education:Fostering inclusive multicultural classrooms in general education. Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, British Council Lithuania, Polish Institute in Vilnius.
- 2023 Keynote: „Wyzwania dla nauczycieli i edukatorów nauczycieli języków obcych w płynnej rzeczywistości: podejście ekolingwistyczne” at the annual conference of Polish Association of Modern Languages, 11-13.09. 2023. Wrocław University
- 2021; Invited plenary lecture A multilingual learner in the Polish school: a challenge or an opportunty? 13 International Conference “East-West. A dialogue of languages and cultures”. Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk, Poland;
- 2019; Invited plenary lecture: Beyond songs and games: the whys and hows of early foreign language learning. International Conference: Topics in Applied Linguistics/Classroom-Oriented Research, Opole;
- 2017; Invited lecture: Advanatges of early language learning, Zagreb University, Croatia/Uniwersytet w Zagrzebiu;
- 2017; Invited plenary lecture :“Is it the earlier, the better”?………… or why we (should) teach children foreign languages at all ?” Conference: Philological Encounters in Sandomiria. Organizator: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Sandomierzu.
Main Publications:
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J. 2025. The Ecology of Pre-primary Foreign Language Learning. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J., Wolanin, A., Król-Gierat, W., Nosidlak, K. (2024). Na wspólnej drodze. Nauczyciele języka angielskiego o pracy z uczniami z doświadczeniem migracji. [EFL teachers’ accounts of working with migrant learners]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UKEN.
Rokita-Jaśkow, J. & A. Wolanin (Eds.). 2021. Facing diversity in child foreign language education. Cham: Springer. - Rokita-Jaśkow, J. and M. Ellis. (Eds). 2019. Early instructed SLA. Pathways to competence. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J. & K. Nosidlak (red.) 2020. Nauczanie języków obcych dzieci. Globalne wyzwania, lokalne rozwiązania. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UP,
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J. i W. Król-Gierat (red.). 2017.Wczesny start językowy. Wybrane zagadnienia. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego,
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J. 2013. Foreign language learning at pre-primary learning: parental aspirations and educational practice. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UP,
- Rokita- Jaśkow, J. 2010. Moje dziecko uczy się języka obcego. Najczęściej zadawane pytania. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UP,
- Rokita, J.2007. Lexical development in early L2 acquisition. Kraków: Wydawnictwo AP.