Artur ŚWIĄTEK, Ph.D.

Department of English Language Education
phone: phone: +48 12 662 69 53
room: room: 305
ORCID: ORCID: 0000-0001-7264-3003
- Assistant professor,
Positions held in the Institute and the University:
- member of the Chair of English Linguistics ,
- head of the organisation and planning courses for extramural MA studies,
- teacher and researcher.
- 2011; PhD. in English Linguistics;
Silesian School of Economics and Languages in Katowice;
Thesis: “The order of the acquisition of the English article system by Polish learners in different proficiency groups “/ “Kolejność przyswajania angielskiego przedimka przez polskich uczniów na różnych poziomach zaawansowania”;
Supervisor: prof. zw. dr hab. Janusz Arabski;
Reviewers: prof. dr hab. Rafał Molencki, prof. dr hab. Leszek Berezowski.
Main field of research:
- Linguistics
- Department of English Language Education
Research Interests:
- applied linguistics,
- general lingustics,
- psycholinguistics,
- the order of the acquisition of lexical and syntactic structures by L2 users,
- language acquisition,
- articles and other function words – meaning and use,
- cultural aspect in foreign language teaching,
- gender in language – gender studies,
- strategies applied in the comprehension of the text read,
- communication strategies applied by L2 users,
- comparative L1 and L2 syntax,
- specialised translation (business English: marketing, technical, medical, legal English),
- sworn and certified translations,
- consecutive and simultaneous interpreting,
- sight translation and chuchotage,
- AVT,
- interpreting,
- booth and conference interpreting,
- methodology of translation research,
- translation of discourse,
- translatability and untranslatability from SL into TL,
- cultural barriers in translation.
- seminar,
- descriptive grammar,
- sociolinguistics,
- pragmatics,
- intercultural communication in the globalised world,
- writing,
- monographic lecture.
Membership in Academic Societies:
- member of PTN (Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne),
- member of PASE (Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Akademickich Filologii Angielskiej),
- member of ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English),
- member of PTJ (Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze),
- member of PTLS (Polskie Towarzystwo Lingwistyki Stosowanej),
- member of The Societas Linguistica Europea (Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Językoznawców),
- member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Katowice Branch), (Eng. Linguistics Committee)
Selected visiting lectures:
- 2014; Cukurova University, Adana – Turkey – visiting lectures – Erasmus programme.
- 2013; Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Cuenca – Spain – visiting lectures – Erasmus programme,
- 2012; Visja Strokovna Sola – Solski Center – Slovenj Gradec, – Slovenia – visiting lectures – Erasmus programme.
Main Publications:
- 2016; “Modernizing Educational Practice Perspectives in Content and Language Integrated Learning”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Monograph / Monografia (edited by Katarzyna Papaja, PhD., University of Silesia and Artur Świątek, PhD., Pedagogical University of Cracow, IFA).
- 2014; “The order of the acquisition of the English article system by Polish learners in different proficiency groups”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
- Papaja, K., Mielnik, K., Świątek, A. (2019). „Deep learning (pogłębianie procesu uczenia się) z perspektywy analizy potrzeb studentów języka angielskiego jako obcego”. Forum Filologiczne Ateneum, nr 1, s. 301-320,
- Pluszczyk, A., Świątek, A. (2018). „The awareness of the complexity in English function and content words by Polish subjects in different proficiency groups”. In: The foundations and versatility of English language teaching (ELT). Edited by Christoph Haase, Natalia Orlova and Joel Head. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, s. 91-102,
- Papaja, K., Świątek, A. (2018). “The image of a woman in advertising perceived by Polish student of English philology”. In: Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture. Edited by Leszek Szymański, Joanna Zawodniak, Agnieszka Łobodziec and Marek Smoluk. Zielona Góra: Wydział Humanistyczny Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, s. 53-72,
- Świątek, A. (2018). “The use of the selected English determiners by Polish users of English at different proficiency levels”. Applied Linguistic Papers, vol. 23, no. 3, s. 79-88,
- Świątek, A. (2017). “The use of the selected lexical and function words to, there, before by L2 Polish users at different proficiency levels”. Lingwistyka Stosowana, t. 21, s. 167-173.