International project “Get ready for school – app-based vocabulary training for families”

On 29-30 March 2023 in Maribor (Slovenia) a working meeting of the implementing international project under the Erasmus+ program, KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education, entitled: “Get ready for school – app-based vocabulary training for families” took place.
The aim of the project is to support parents of migrant children in mastering the language of the host country, while supporting the development of the native language. For this purpose, a guide for parents and an application will be developed, which will be able to be used independently by children with migration experience, which will prepare them to take up school in the destination country.
The project is implemented in cooperation with partners from Germany (Kultur- und Bildungsprojekte e.V., Niedersächsisches Institut für frühkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung, Studio GAUS GmbH), Austria (Österreich Institut GmbH), Slovenia (Inter-kulturo, d.o.o.), and Lithuania (Vilniaus Universitetas). The Pedagogical University is represented by dr hab. Joanna Rokita-Jaśkow, prof. UP.
Partner organisations
- Kultur- und Bildungsprojekte e.V. (Niemcy)
- Studio Gaus GmbH (Niemcy)
- Österreich Institut GmbH(Austria)
- Inter-kulturo mednarodni kulturno izobraževalni center d.o.o. (Słowenia)
- Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie (Polska)
- Vilniaus universitetas (Litwa)
- Niedersaechsisches Institut fuer fruehkindliche Bildung und Entwicklung e.V. e.V. (Niemcy)